RULES: The New 49’ers have a set of Operation Rules for all members and guests to follow. These are very reasonable, common-sense rules which are necessary if we are to get along with one another, the local residents and the authorities. These rules are necessary to the continued growth and successful operation of our organization.
In the Happy Camp area, we have a very good relationship with the Department of Fish & Game, the U.S. Forest Service and local law enforcement. They have always assisted and supported our activity. This assistance exists largely because they know we are a well organized and responsible group.
The purpose of our program is to maintain and increase our existing mining rights while increasing available mining opportunities for our members. The only way this can be accomplished is by doing things the right way and by being responsible for the well-being of the environment in which we find ourselves.
We have an enormous amount of freedom to prospect, mine, camp and do other activities because we have always set an example of doing things the right way.
We also have a Director of Internal Affairs who keeps track of what’s going on around the properties which we administer. Please see our Contact page if you would like to get in touch with him.
Operation Rules are available from the office upon request and are automatically sent to those who wish to join.