“We must kill Assembly Bill 1032!”
Dear Fellow Prospector,
Assembly Bill 1032 is now in the Senate Natural Resources & Water Committee, where our lobbyists are telling us will be the best opportunity we will ever have to kill it.
In case you are not aware, AB 1032 is a bill that is intended to modify Section 5353 of the California Fish & Game Code to allow the Department of Fish & Game to arbitrarily list any (or nearly all) waterways within the State to be closed to suction dredging – without any public involvement whatsoever!
We must either kill this bill now, or we will all suffer the consequences later!
To help us try and kill this bill right now, we are asking that you please send an email to the Chairman of the Natural Resources Committee without delay.
Here is a ready-made letter in opposition to AB 1032. It is better if you just use this sample to write your own letter. Here are some talking points to help you draft your own letters or faxes. Feel free to copy those sections which give support to the arguments which you personally want to make. It is good if you make your own arguments, and then copy over the citations which reinforce your position. This way, everyone is not just sending in the very same message!
The citations in the talking points will carry weight, because they originate from published results. If you don’t know how to copy and paste material off the Internet, please click here.
But at the very least, please copy the text from this sample letter to the following:
State Capitol, Room 4035
Sacramento, CA 95814
Email: patricia.hanson@sen.ca.gov
CC: Steve.McCarthy@sen.ca.gov, Phil.Nails@asm.ca.gov, pconaty@sbcglobal.net
The Natural Resources & Water Committee will hold a hearing and vote on this bill on July 10th. So it is important that you email your comments to the Senator listed above as soon as possible!
Very important: You must include your own return postal address on whatever letter or fax that you send to these senators. That is the only way they can recognize and weigh the importance of your communication!
Please help us kill this bill!
Very important: You must include your own return postal address on whatever letter or fax that you send to these senators. That is the only way they can recognize and weigh the importance of your communication!
Thank you very much for your help in this very important matter!
Dave McCracken
The New 49’ers27 Davis Road, Happy Camp, CA 96039 (530) 493-2012