Map to Grange



We sponsor a potluck on Saturday evening each time we do a Weekend Group Project and on other occasions. These events take place at one of the several community halls in Happy Camp. We begin at 6:30 PM. Everyone is welcome! Bring a meal to feed 5, and what you like to drink.

Our Saturday night potlucks have been a part of every summer since the Club was formed. They are not only very popular because they give members a time and place to interact, and become friends; but because they give our members an opportunity to show how miners can help miners. We are quick to provide help to one another, share our knowledge to help solve a problem, and we will share quick tips and helps for problems specific to the area.

They also provide an opportunity to let up a bit, for prospectors who come for short periods, as they attempt to work too hard, in general. This greatly decreases their efficiency.

With people coming from all over the country and everyone contributing a big dish, the food is plentiful for guys that have been dredging all day, and people’s whose appetites have grown from all the wonderful outdoor exercise they’re getting.

We rent one of the local community service halls for these potlucks. After a wonderful meal of potluck food, folks sit back, and Dave introduces the visitors or new members in attendance and where they are from; brings everyone up-to-date on any new gold strikes found during the last week on Club claims, and anyone present is welcome to show off their finds of the week, or any finds for that matter. Everyone loves to look at gold!

Then, we have a drawing to benefit our Goodwill Fund. This fund is used to help people in the community who are in need; burned out, sick or hurt and unable to get wood, or any other calamity, and goes a long way toward building good feeling toward the large group of members and guests who invade this small town in summer.

The drawing features items purchased by the Club, and some who are donated by Club members. Some of the most exciting are gold nuggets and nugget jewelry, when they are contributed.

It’s a lot of fun, and once the regular festivities are over, people get together in groups to talk together about their week, or help someone solve a problem, or any number of other conversations. Then all go home to get a good night’s sleep knowing they’ll be energized by this break, and their prospecting will be more successful because of it.

Dave Mack

“…Come join us in Happy Camp! You’ll have a GREAT time!”

You are invited to prospect and mine for gold along 60 miles of gold-bearing mining properties on the Klamath, Scott and Salmon River, and their tributaries, in Siskiyou County, northern California. We guarantee you will find gold–which is yours to keep!

Participate in a fun, basic group prospecting project and keep all the gold you recover. Learn from hands-on experience how to find your own gold. No previous experience is necessary.

Please either contact our office (530 493-2012) or check out our facebook page for our updated schedule of potlucks and group prospecting projects.

There is nothing more exciting or rewarding than finding and recovering your own gold!

FREE One-day Guest Passes

Anyone and everyone is invited to spend a day along 60 miles of gold-rich mining properties to find your own gold (between May 1st through September 30th).

Group Prospecting Programs

All weekend events are free to Full & Associate Members (see details below).

Sorry; there are no group projects scheduled until further notice. 

Membership Programs

(All memberships include spouse and children under the age of 18 years old)

Associate Membership … $100 per year. Allows free participation in all scheduled weekend group prospecting projects (listed above) and allows you to freely prospect and mine on 60 miles of gold properties during the week of your choice between 1 May and 30 September. Keep all the gold you find!

Full Membership … (please inquire at our office for current special price on full membership.) Allows free participation in all scheduled weekend group prospecting projects, and you may freely prospect and mine on 60 miles of gold properties as much or as often as you desire. Keep all the gold you find!

The New 49’ers
27 Davis Road / P.O. Box 47
Happy Camp, CA 96039
(530) 493-2062

Email: The New 49′ers



WHAT TO BRING: Casual, comfortable clothing, shoes, boots or sneakers you can scramble around the rocks in and don’t mind getting wet, a hat to protect your head, sunscreen, and a water container to carry. If you are coming to a weekend or week-long group mining project, the motorized equipment used will be provided by The New 49’ers. Gold pans, individual digging tools and small items are not provided. If you are coming to work on your own, you will need to provide all of your own equipment. Everyone needs to provide their own transportation, lodging and all meals.
