Prospecting Videos- Learn Gold Prospecting with Dave McCracken


Discover the secrets of an Extreme Prospector! Learn the proven techniques that  Dave McCracken has used time and again to achieve results in challenging mining projects all over the world. The DVD versions of these informative prospecting videos are currently sold in our online store for $49.95 each.

Find out more below …


Modern Gold Mining Techniques

1 hour

Dave McCracken, combines years of experience with advanced video effects to DEMONSTRATE successful modern gold mining techniques. This prospecting video covers the basics of gold geology and shows you where to locate gold deposits, extensive computer graphics, a simulated river showing where gold travels and deposits, sampling techniques, and a comprehensive visual demonstration of gold panning, mossing and sluicing techniques, sniping, the basics of gold dredging and lode mining, drywashing, hydraulic concentrating, electronic prospecting, gold clean-up steps, and much, much more. Virtually a video encyclopedia of basic modern gold mining techniques!

“This video is an A to Z course in locating, recovering and refining gold in streams and rivers.”Western & Eastern Treasure Magazines.

Successful Gold Dredging Made Easy

58 minutes

Dave McCracken makes use of the powerful medium of video to reveal his techniques for locating and dredging up paystreaks. Noted author of numerous books and articles on the subject, Dave combines years of experience with advanced video effects and underwater videography to provide valuable information on all aspects of gold dredging, from locating gold bearing areas, and reading the river, to useful tips on final clean-up procedures. The most important thing to learn in gold dredging is how to find the paystreaks. This gold dredging video SHOWS you how to do it! It follows Dave through his complete operation, from start-up, to sampling, to production to final clean-up.

“The underwater footage is exceptional. It is obvious from the beginning that Dave McCracken…knows what he is talking about.” –Treasure Magazine.

Advanced Dredging and Sampling Techniques

49 minutes

This gold dredging video contains extensive above and below water coverage of Dave McCracken’s 8-inch commercial dredging operation; above and below water winching techniques; commercial testing and paystreak evaluation procedures; how to safely take apart deep gravel deposits; production dredging techniques; demonstrations of centrifuge, shaker table, rod mill, screen plant, continuous feed amalgamator, hydromatic jig; and much, much more! A wealth of valuable information about commercial gold dredging and sampling techniques!

Whether you are a novice exploring a new hobby, or an experienced gold miner looking for new ways to increase gold production, you will find Advanced Dredging and Sampling Techniques packed with DEMONSTRATED information that no book could ever present.

The DVD versions of these informative prospecting videos are currently sold in our online store for $49.95 each.
