Important Note: The State of California recently passed a law which has placed a statewide moratorium on suction dredging in California until the Department of Fish & Game (DFG) completes an updated Environmental Impact Report (EIR). This EIR process has already begun.
Click here for more information.
DREDGING SEASON: You can obtain a suction dredging permit from any California office of the Department of Fish and Game. The 2009 permit costs $47.00 (non-resident $194.00). The exact cost of the permit changes slightly each year. The permit allows you to dredge on any waterway open to dredging within California. We have permit forms available at the office if you want to apply through the mail. If you send for the permit from Happy Camp, you should expect a waiting period of at least three or four working days before you receive it back by mail.
Click here for an example of how to fill out the form.
The California Department of Fish & Game can be contacted directly for current rates and an application form by calling (530) 225-2300.
Only those persons actually operating the nozzle of a suction dredge within an active waterway in California are required to have a Fish and Game dredging permit on hand.
The Department of Fish and Game allows dredging along our Klamath River properties between the Scott and Salmon Rivers on a year-round basis, and up the Klamath from its confluence with the Scott from the 4th Saturday in May through September 30. Dredging is permitted along our creek properties and the Scott River from July 1 to September 30. Dredging is permitted on the Salmon River from July 1 through September 15.