Important note concerning Mining & Dredging Seasons on this Property
Google Earth Coordinates: 41 46’26.2″N 123 22’39.1″W (at top of road access)
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These claims have a primitive access road leading down near to them, which can be found 1.9 miles up Elk Creek Road, on the right-hand side. The access road is not difficult to find because it is the only one leading toward the creek within the vicinity. The access road is narrow and bumpy and extends 1/3 of a mile down to the creek. We suggest you look before driving in. There is no room to turn a trailer around at the bottom. Because there is so little room at the bottom, we ask that members do not camp down there. The parking area is actually located on the upstream adjoining claim. The upper creek boundary is posted on a tree several hundred yards downstream from the road access point. The lower boundary is also posted on a tree alongside the creek.
PROSPECTS: This section of Elk Creek is proven to carry rich gold deposits, so the prospects are excellent.