Important note concerning Mining & Dredging Seasons on this Property
Google Earth Coordinates: 41 17’57.2″N 123 4’59.2″W
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SAN-6 – GOLD COUNTRY PLACER is located around 18 miles up the North Fork from the Forks, or about 2 miles upriver from the small town of Sawyers Bar.
Access gets easier towards the upper end of the claim,which is just downstream from the bridge that crosses the river at Whites Gulch. There is nice camping on the far side of the river at the upper end of the claim. Long-term camping is allowed at this location.
The claim is around a quarter-mile long. Boundaries are posted on trees alongside the road.
There is a whole lot of exposed bedrock all throughout this mining property, and all kinds of river diversity that should create valuable placer deposits.