FULL MEMBERSHIP: Full membership in The New 49’ers costs $3,500. There is a 25% discount on full advance payment ($2,625). Occasionally, there is a discounted price associated with a membership drive. Please call our office or click HERE for details..
There is also a payment plan in which you can pay $200 in advance and $22.50 a month until paid in full. On the payment plan, there is also a 25% discount on full payment of your remaining balance at any time.
Our office can arrange to set up an automatic draw from your credit card or bank account to make your monthly payments. In this case, it is necessary to sign an authorization form.
If you do not have an application for membership, please call us at (530) 493-2012. Please send membership fee and application to The New 49’ers, P. O. Box 47, Happy Camp, CA 96039. Our web site also has a secure, interactive sign-up form that can be used with a debit or credit card. There is also a mail-in form online.
OTHER TRADES POSSIBLE: On occasion, someone has something or provides some other service which the our organization can make use of to expand or improve our service to members. Sometimes we trade membership credit in exchange for those goods or services. For example, by trading, we obtained some of our office equipment, some sign painting, a boat and motor and some bulldozing in our campgrounds. If you feel you have something that might be of good service or value to our organization, please let us know.
MEMBERSHIPS ARE TRANSFERABLE: Your Full Membership credit can be transferred to another, given away or sold. There is a $50 transfer fee which is payable at the New 49’ers office. Annual membership dues must be paid to date in order to facilitate a transfer.
Commercial operations can elect to purchase additional memberships for their crew, to which they do not need to pay a $50 fee when transferred amongst crew members. For example, an operation may buy two extra memberships and have any two registered crew members working from those memberships during any given time.
COMMITMENT: On the payment program, you can drop out any time you like. There is no contract binding you to continue payment if The New 49’ers is not for you. If you elect to drop out, simply send in your membership card along with a note to that effect, and your active membership will terminate as of that date. We suggest, rather than drop out, that you sell or even give your membership to someone else who can benefit from the membership credit you have accumulated.
Our policy is to drop members who are beyond three months overdue on membership payments if we have not received communication about their plans to bring their payments up to date.
Members must have membership payments up to date in order to actively mine on New 49’er properties.
ASSOCIATE MEMBERSHIP: We also have a special program for persons who are interested in being involved with our organization, but are only able to spend about a week each year actively participating along the mining properties made available by the New 49’ers.
Associate membership costs $100 per year.
Every Associate Member receives the regular newsletters and will be kept up to date on news, along with other important information affecting our industry.
Associate members may choose one week of your choice to enjoy all of the benefits of active New 49’er membership each summer (between 1 May and 30 September) along New 49’er mining properties. You are also invited to attend any or all of our scheduled weekend group prospecting projects at no charge.
Associate members may not bring guests, but are allowed to bring a spouse and children under the age of eighteen, and also receive the discounted rate on week-long group mining projects (as Full Members do).
Sign Me Up Today!
For a nominal annual fee, independent prospecting organizations, as affiliated groups, have the opportunity to schedule an annual group outing up to two weeks on the properties in Northern California which are made available by The New 49’ers. Ideally, these outings would be scheduled to begin on weekends when we are providing a 2-day group prospecting program. This is to provide affiliate members with different available options when they visit Happy Camp.
If you know of any independent prospecting organizations that might be interested in this exciting affiliate program, please have them contact our office by telephone or email.
The New 49’ers
27 Davis Road / P.O. Box 47
Happy Camp, CA 96039
(530) 493-2012
email: new49ers@goldgold.com