Important note concerning Mining & Dredging Seasons on this Property
Google Earth Coordinates: 41 52’15.4″N 122 33’32.8″W
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The lower boundary of this claim is located around 8/10ths of a mile up Klamathon Road. Look for our Club signs to begin several hundred feet upstream from the old miners cabin. The upper boundary is posted on a tree 1.5 miles up Klamathon Road, near telephone pole #48. There is a pretty good river access point, some parking, and a little camping near the two old houses just upriver. The houses and fenced-in property is posted as a “National Heritage Site” by the federal government, so please do not use any metal detectors (or even make them visible) in or around that area. Note; while the old houses have now been removed, the foundations remain in place.
PROSPECTS: This section of the river has an exceptional amount of fine and flake gold in a shallow flood layer, on top of an older layer of cemented gravel. We recently did a Dredging Project near the upper boundary and recovered 4 ounces of gold in just several days of dredging. Several other members have been doing well dredging along the Klamathon Road side of the river and out towards the middle, with at least one member recovering as much as ¾-ounce of gold per day. This prompted us to follow up with yet another group mining project, and we easily found another rich pay-streak! Most of the claim has yet to be sampled. One sample hole on the Interstate 5 side of the river appears to show that the gold is also over there. Some small nuggets have been recovered. Look for the hard-packed gray layer either on bedrock or on top of a very hard layer of cemented gravel. It appears that the gold is some-what evenly disbursed through the hard-packed gray material and that the more of it you process, the more gold you recover.
Upper Klamath :: Upper-mid Klamath :: Mid Klamath :: Lower Klamath
Elk Creek :: Indian Creek :: Scott River :: Thompson Creek
Salmon River Main Stem :: Salmon River North Fork
Master List of Mining Properties