Important note concerning Mining & Dredging Seasons on this Property
Google Earth Coordinates: 41 47’30.4″N 123 20’48.0W
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K-19A LOWER WOODS BAR CLAIM – This claim begins just upstream from the Richardson Bedrock Mine (just upstream from Happy Camp), and follows the river all the way and connects with our Morgan Point claim at K-19.
There is private property between Highway 96 and this claim; so access can either be with the use of a boat from Happy Camp, or from a primitive river road access near the bottom of the claim on China Grade Road (on the other side of the river). You get to China Grade Road by driving down through Happy Camp and crossing the Klamath on the bridge below town. China Grade Road is just on the other side of the river, going in an upstream direction. The primitive access road (look for our sign on a tree 2.4 miles up China Grade Road) extends down near the river towards the lower-end of the claim. There is some limited camping down on the old access road.
IMPORTANT: All of the property on both sides of the river is private property except for the lower-end of this claim on the far side of the river. However, with the exception of a few points of private property which might extend a short distance out into the river, nearly all of the river is U.S. Forest Service land, and is part of our mining claim. Therefore, unless you have prior approval from private property owners, the only access to the upper portions of this claim is with the use of a boat.
PROSPECTS: Bedrock is showing all over the claim, so should be found also very shallow in the gravels. Several members have been dredging near the lower-end of the claim. The gold deposits should be very good, since the famous Muck-A-Muck hydraulic mine was located all along the inside bend of this claim.
Upper Klamath :: Upper-mid Klamath :: Mid Klamath :: Lower Klamath
Elk Creek :: Indian Creek :: Scott River :: Thompson Creek
Salmon River Main Stem :: Salmon River North Fork
Master List of Mining Properties