Video Enhanced Stories
- Suction Dredging for Gold
- Major Storms and Paystreaks
- Storm Vigil
- Teamwork in Production Gold Dredging
- Setting Up the Proper Recovery System
- Outfitting a Suction Dredging Project
- The Preliminary Evaluation
- Production Gold Dredging
- Dredging Under the Rice Paddies in the Philippines
- Placer Geology
- Dredging the Muddy Waters of Madagascar
- Logistical Planning
- World’s Largest Sapphire Find
- Prospecting for Gold in Hard-packed Streambeds
- Final Clean-up and Recovery of Your Gold
- Klamath River Flood of 1997
- Dry-washing for Gold
- The Dive Miners of Northern Sumatra
- Characteristics of Gold
- Boulders & Winching Techniques
- Classification of Material in Sluicing
- Cambodia
- Gold Panning Instructions
- Digging for Gold